Society | Fleet


Klaipėda University vessel "Mintis" is 40 m long and 12 m wide catamaran-type modern scientific research vessel built in 2014. She capable of carrying out various complex scientific researches in the seas and coastal waters. Vessel is equipped with 3 stationary laboratories - acoustic, geological and bio. Aft deck of 120 m2, with a 14-ton A-frame crane and special lifting and hydrographic winches allows for complex geological, acoustic, and other offshore researches. This deck accommodates ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles) and other mobile scientific equipment or additional laboratories as needed. 
r/v Mintis has a DP1 (Dynamic Positioning) system that allows to keep the ship in a selected location in certain weather conditions. 
The ship is serviced by a crew of 7 persons, scientific research is carried out by up to 11 personnel of various scientific fields. 
Since 2015, the ship Mintis has been intensively participating in various international marine research projects, most of them related to renewable energy. 

Regions visited: 

  •     Baltic sea, 
  •     North sea, 
  •     Mediterranean sea; 
  •     Eastern North Atlantic.


Ship Maintenance Engineer Tomas Zapnickas
Tel. 8 650 55978