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Qualification awarded

Level of qualification

University studies, First cycle, undergraduate (Bachelor)

Specific admission requirements

Minimum access requirements: Secondary
Minimum access qualification degree:

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning (formal, non-formal and informal)

Study subjects or parts thereof, corresponding to formal and subject requirements of selected study programme, may be included to individuals who graduated, studied or are presently studying at institutions of higher education in Lithuania or other countries, accredited in accordance with Lithuanian higher education curriculum, and who want to continue their studies at the University at the same or inferior cycle or studies of other studies programmes.

Profile of the programme

Graduates are able to compose, develop cargo handling engineering equipment, and apply various tools and techniques. They are able to design and implement projects in the field of marine engineering, taking into account the principles of the circular economy, artificial intelligence, the digitalisation of industry, ethical, environmental, commercial, operational organisation, occupational health and safety and the development of a sustainability concept. For applicants is offering a wide range of opportunities to choose the most up-to-date, prospective, well-paid studies in the international market.
The best students can apply for nominee fellowships, take advantage of international studies and practice, participate in the competitions of the best projects and final works.

Key learning outcomes

1. Knowledge and understanding

2. Intellectual abilities

3. Practical abilities and skills

4. General transferable abilities and skills

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

Maritime engineering field programme opens up a wide range of career opportunities as engineers, technical project managers in the shipping, logistics, freight forwarding companies, port administrations.

Access to further studies

Access to the second cycle studies

Course structure diagram with credits

1 semester

1General Chemistry (P000B093)5
2Mathematics in Engineering (P001B047)6
3Engineering Graphics With CAD (T000B197)7
4Introduction to Specialty (T003B081)3
5Materials Engineering (T000B219)6
6Elective Study Subject 13

2 semester

1Mathematical Methods in Engineering (P001B050)6
2Physics 1 (P000B123)5
3Mechanics of materials (T210B082)5
4Theoretical Mechanics (T210B059)5
5Programs for Computer Aided Design (T210B064)3
6Elective Study Subject 2.13
7Elective Study Subject 2.23

3 semester

1Physics 2 (P000B206)4
2Probability Theory and Applied Statistics (P160B047)6
3Waterways and port connectivity (T003B098)5
4Electrical Engineering and Electronics (T190B037)5
5Theory of Machines and Mechanisms. Machine Elements (T210B017)4
6Elective Study Subject 36

4 semester

1Port Management and Logistics (T003B025)6
2Port Engineering Basics (T003B088)6
3Cargo types and flows and their management (T003B099)6
4Hydromechanics (T220B073)5
5Ship theory (T300B048)4
6Elective Study Subject 43

5 semester

1Business and Engineering Projects Management (S000B00I)5
2Ship and Port Terminal Equipment with course work (T003B082)6
3Basics of Green Shipping (T003B083)6
4Basics of maritime transport and port management (T003B121)4
5Electrical systems of port handling equipment (T190B173)6
6Elective Study Subject 53
7Specialization Electives5

6 semester

1Economics (S180B021)4
2Human Safety (T500B004)4
3Freight Forwarding, Forwarding and Shipping Agency (T003B114)4
4Pasenger and non dangery cargo terminals technologies management (T003B117)6
5Transport systems and automation basics (T003B120)6
7Specialization Electives5

7 semester

1Shipping organization and management in the Port (T003B026)6
2Introduction to Maritime Law and Insurance (T003B028)4
3Dangerous Cargo Terminals Technologies Management (T000B175)4
4Port superstructure and Infrastructure Basics with Research Project (T003B093)6
5Automated cargo handling equipments and systems (P175B122)4
7Specialization Electives5

8 semester

1Practice in Port and Transport Companies (T003B118)15
2Bachelor's Final Thesis (T003B119)15
3Specialization Electives15

2Port Terminal Planning with Research Project (T003B089)6
3Logistical chains and their management (T003B115)6
4Marine Transport Development and Logistics (T003B092)6

1Logistical chains and their management (T003B115)6
2Port Terminal Planning with Research Project (T003B089)6
3Marine Transport Development and Logistics (T003B092)6

Elective Study Subject 1


Elective Study Subject 2.1


Elective Study Subject 2.2


Elective Study Subject 3


Elective Study Subject 4


Elective Study Subject 5


Examination regulations, assessment and grading

The University applies cumulative grading in order to ensure objective evaluation, active students’ participation during the semester and their ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice. Cumulative grading final evaluation consists of interim course assignments (test, individual work, paper, laboratory work defence, and etc.) and final exam grades. If the student fails the interim course assignments and does not make to transition grade−minimal grade of determined interim course assessments−he is not allowed to take the final exam. Each study programme is completed by defending final thesis (project) and (or) taking final exams.

A ten-point grading system is used at the University. Knowledge is assessed in the following marks

Pass/fail systemKU grade*Definition
Pass10 (excellent)excellent performance, outstanding knowledge and skills
9 (very good)strong performance, good knowledge and skills
8 (good)above the average performance, knowledge and skills
7 (highly satisfactory)average performance, knowledge and skills with unessential shortcomings
6 (satisfactory)below average performance, knowledge and skills with substantial shortcomings
5 (sufficient)knowledge and skills meet minimum criteria
Fail4, 3, 2, 1 (insufficient)knowledge and skills do not meet minimum criteria / below minimum criteria

Graduation requirements

Undergraduate and master student’s knowledge, skills and abilities, indicated in the study programme description, are examined and evaluated during the public defence of his Final thesis. Final thesis by its nature can be scientific research or scientific-applied. Final thesis is analytical work based on independent scientific or applied research. A Bachelor’s thesis comprises 12 credits; Master’s thesis comprises 30 credits in the study programme of 120 credits or 24 credits in the study programme of 90 credits. Final thesis and its defence is to demonstrate student’s creativity and the ability to critically evaluate theoretical and practical innovations, as well as others’ previously carried out researches and their results; to indicate student’s knowledge in social and commercial environment, legislation, and financial capacity; to show information sourcing and its qualified analysis skills, computational methods and specialized software and general-purpose information technologies using skills, as well as the ability to clearly and correctly orally or in written present their research results and (or) product designed to different audiences.

Final thesis is defended publicly in front of the Study Field Qualification Committee approved by the Rector. All members of the Qualification Committee evaluate the final thesis and its defence in separate grades in ten-point grading system. Weighted coefficient of defended grade is up to 0.2. The final grade is the arithmetic average of the grades given by the Qualification Committee members, rounded to the nearest whole number.

Mode of study


Programme director or equivalent

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birutė Plačienė

Department of Marine Engineering